Sunday, April 2, 2017

My Friend The Carolina Wren

During my April 2015 visit to Georgia I developed a very special relationship with a Carolina Wren.  Actually, this story had its beginnings before I went to Georgia.  This is what I wrote in my journal on that visit.   "I love the Carolina Wren - so sweet - so beautiful - so sassy.  It is similar to the Jenny Wren with a very loud, persistent, repetitive call.  We never had Carolina Wrens at our bird feeders until 3 years ago.  This past winter I think we only had him in the Fall as he migrated through.  I missed going outside in the morning and hearing him 'yell' his good morning to me.  About a week ago he was again migrating and visited our farm for one day.  He sang his song in the backyard.  To me, it was as if he was telling me, 'See you in Georgia'. Well, I arrived at Crooked River State Park today and am in the same site as last year - site 6.  I opened my Explorer door and the first sound I heard was the call of the Carolina Wren.  I think it was saying, 'What took you so long'?"
 At the end of my April, 2015 trip, as I was packing up getting ready to go, I think the same bird came to say good-bye.  He landed on my hiking boot and went in and out of the Explorer.  I really think he was trying to decide whether or not to hitch a ride North with me.  Finally, he flew away and I began my journey home.  Right now as I get ready for my impending trip back to St Marys, Georgia, I'm looking forward to once again hearing the loud call of the Carolina Wren and watching these wonderful little birds flit around in the Palmettos that hopefully will be surrounding my new campsite.
For more information on this bird and really any bird you can go to:  This is a Cornell University birding site and you can type in the birds name in the appropriate space on top left of page and click search.  You can listen to their sounds, watch videos and find all kinds of pertinent information.

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