Wednesday, December 12, 2018

My Sit Spot

I want to make something very clear, that's not me in the tree - don't know if I can even climb trees any more and it's been a long time since I've had brown hair (a really long time).  The book, "My Year Without Matches", is one I read awhile ago - actually I only read half - the author became very philosophical and I found it boring and I put it back on my bookshelf.
I did come across an idea I liked, finding or creating a "sit spot" - a place you go to everyday and sit quietly and observe nature and be part of it.  I decided I would try it out and at first thought my shelter in the pasture might work.

I recently added a room to the shelter and when I'm sitting in it, I have a good view of our woods so I sat out there for awhile and remembered I hate being cold and scratched that idea.
I was talking to my friend, Betty Nick, and she told me about her own "sit spot".  She has her rocking chair by a large window and can sit there and look out at her bird feeders and enjoy the quiet and peaceful scene in front of her.  She showed me a picture and it looked very cozy and more important, warm.
I decided to create a Betty Nick style sit spot.  My office, on our second floor, has large windows and with some physical effort moving furniture, I created a space for a chair right next to them. I  thought my childhood rocker might work but the springs are shot and so is my back  and so, it didn't.

I looked for another solution and found it at the nearby Sears Outlet.  I bought a very comfortable recliner and it's working out just great. 

I can look out at a nearby, big maple tree and see nuthatches searching for tidbits of food hidden in the bark.  I have a suet feeder close to the window and frequently a downy woodpecker lands on it and stays for awhile.

I can sit here and read and for now, during this holiday season,  I can sit after dark, lights out, music playing and look out at a light show.  We bought one of those small "Star Shower" machines and little red and green lights dance in the maple tree - very peaceful - quite beautiful.  
This little area I've put together is going to help me get through winter. Right now there's light shining in on me through the big windows, I'm listening to Carole King while Mitzi sleeps on my lap and I write this post for my blog.  I'm just doing my thing in my own little world and am content.
So, for now, Grandma isn't having solo camping adventures but she's enjoying her sit spot and dealing with winter in a positive way - onward and upward.


  1. This is a great idea and although I like to be warm and don't have a big picture window that looks out on neat stuff, your post along with a continuing desire to get out has further urged me to get out and just sit. There is a park nearby that would be perfect. I gotta go especially now that the gov. may shut down and my show shoeing will be put off. Keep it up. Lee


Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada - Part 1

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