Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mitsi Goes To Walmart, Etc.

April 12th  Crooked River Campground

It's 8:32P and I'm sitting in the trailer, listening to an owl.  This is the second time I've heard it.  The first night it flew into a nearby tree sometime in the early morning.  I'm fairly certain it's a Great-Horned Owl. The pond is so dry but I've seen a Green Heron and took many pictures (from a distance).

                                                                  Green Heron
I'm very concerned that the gnats are coming in through the screens.  They certainly are small enough to do it but I just don't know.  If this is happening, I have a feeling I'll be returning to Michigan early.  These gnats are driving me nuts.  They bite and leave a red mark.  If I have to deal with them outside, I accept that but if by any chance they're coming through the screens, that's unacceptable.
Today Mitsi had two adventures and I had two heart attacks.  I took her shopping at Walmarts and rolled her around the store in a cart (I later learned this wasn't "legal" although two employees had told me it was OK).
She didn't really like it but she was doing OK till she decided to jump out -she's so darn fast.  She landed and looked at me and I grabbed her leash.  I've seen no injuries so think we're good. This evening she pulled right out of her collar here in the campground and started running around me.  I thought I'd never get her.  I started looking in my bag - thought I had a granola bar - I didn't but I had her water dish and water and she was thirsty, very thirsty.  She came in for a drink and I grabbed her ear.  I shortened her collar and hope it's OK.  That's three times she's been loose - twice out of the trailer and then in the campground.  The reason I was in Walmart was to buy a baby gate.  I want a barrier between the interior of the popup and the door (sometimes the door latch doesn't catch).  Not perfect but it will do for now.  When I get home, I'll fix it.
                                                 Mitsi had a very busy day!
Anyway, here I am in Georgia.  Survived another day.  I'm still alive so onward and upward.

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