Sunday, August 26, 2018


This morning I saw a comment on one of my blog posts.  The comment included a question about my camera - what did I use.  For years I had a nikon d50 and I loved it.  So many of my good Maine photos were taken with my d50.  I finally upgraded when the camera developed a problem with color.  I bought a nikon d7100 but after a short time realized it was too heavy and sold it.  Now I have a nikon d3400 and am fairly satisfied with it.  I primarily use my 70-300 lens.  I use the Picasa program on my computer to primarily crop and highlight or shadow.  This program is no longer available for downloading.
Believe me when I say, I know practically nothing about my camera and keep it on automatic - really no technical skills.  In spite of that, I manage to take some good photos.  I think my biggest assets are patience and persistence - an example would be my robin photos.  I spent hours in a chair watching this family and was rewarded with some good photos.  When I am in nature, with my camera, I can get lost in the moment and that's when I find peace.  Photography is more than a hobby for me, it is therapy - quiets the mind and soothes the soul.

1 comment:

  1. Auntie, sadly no Robins in my immediate area...mainly seagull,pelican and crows... with occasional hummingbirds


Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada - Part 1

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