Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Way To Begin Is To Begin

The morning started with Mitzi throwing up and me walking around telling myself not to be a fraidy cat.  For some, driving a new trailer for the first time ever and going 1000 miles is a nothing, no problem.  I, on the other hand, am a worrier, have anxiety and compulsive thoughts but taking a xanex minutes before beginning a journey isn't wise.  So, remembering Eleanor Roosevelt's quote, "The way to begin is to begin", I pulled out onto Wixom Rd, faced my fears  and am now in a motel south of Cincinnati.  Didn't have any problems other than wind and rain.  Mitzi is on my lap and is OK.  I'm hoping the weather clears enough for a walk.  So, gratefully I say, I'm alive - onward and upward - heading to Georgia - left my pistols at home.

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Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada - Part 1

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