Saturday, September 22, 2018


I'm sitting here thinking about leaving home for my first camping adventure in my Transit
tomorrow and ugh - don't even know if I want to go and don't know where I want to go.  I have "no plan man" and this is so unlike me.  I generally am excited, know exactly where I'm going and have researched the whole trip.  As someone once said (over and over), "sad".
I think my trip to Alaska is weighing in heavily - it was so wonderful that everything else seems to be just "everything else" holding very little excitement.
Also, this is my first trip with Transit so there's a little bit of the unknown in this new beginning.  The last issue - I love my 1000 mile camping trips and definitely can't do that now - saving money for a winter trip.
Right now, I need to get over this case of the "blahs", pack up and go wherever.
Here's the thing - I don't need to have a specific plan.  I have a lot of flexibility with the Transit - if I don't like my destination I can just move on.  My thinking at this moment is head down to Maumee Bay State Park for a first experience and then maybe over to Indiana.
This should prove interesting - an adventure into the unknown, experiencing the unexpected and going with a mindset that is hopefully open to a new kind of travel, being flexible in my thinking and just "going with the flow". So now, I need to get out of this chair and get moving. 
Wish me luck - onward and upward.

Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada - Part 1

In September of 2013, I went on my last adventure with my "big black van", my destination Campobello Island which is located in ...